Using ffmpeg to convert audio cassettes to videos

The excellent ffmpeg is the swiss army knife of all video processing. Just as a reminder to myself, here's a command line to convert an image and audio file to a video. ffmpeg -y -loop 1 -framerate 1 -i image.jpg -i Unknown.mp3 \ -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune…

Setting up owncloud on ubuntu 18.04

In this article I will walk us throught installing a bare metal owncloud server based on ubuntu server 18.04. Throughout this guide we will assue that our server is named Base system installation First steps as usual, we download the ubuntu server install image. If you…

OpenCV calibration patterns

It has been surprisingly difficult to find good opencv calibration patterns. I had found what I though was a good calibration image and ended up wasting my time. Turns out that file does not consist of squares. So I ended up making some high resolution PNG files for camera calibration.…

Moving to a git monorepo without losing history

I am still hesitant to recommend to everyone to simplify their lives and move to a monorepo. But one can certainly go to extremes with many repositories. Juggling a system with tens of repositories is no fun either. So, how can we re-combine several repositories back to one, without losing…